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Slide 19/1 (part 3/3)

GLOMUS TYMPANICUM:  Picture of a left tympanic membrane with  a pulsating red mass occupying the inferior portion of the middle ear space.  The rest of the tympanic membrane is normal.

GLOMUS TYMPANICUM:  Magnification of the above picture

Slide 19/1 (part 2/3)

1) Perforations


TRAUMATIC PERFORATION-irregularities of peroration's margin

Perforation at margin of the eardrum
This is a perforation that occurs at the margin of the eardrum - where the eardrum and ear canal come together.
In some cases, skin from the ear canal can grow through the perforation into the middle ear, forming a cholesteatoma.
Perforation at the margin of the eardrum
Central eardrum perforation
A perforation can occur in any location on the eardrum. The size of the perforation varies from a small opening like the one shown, to a total (entire) eardrum perforation.
Central eardrum perforation
Attic perforation of the eardrum
This is a perforation in the superior part of the eardrum. This is sometimes referred to as an attic perforation. A perforation in this location may be associated with a deep retraction pocket or cholesteatoma into the mastoid.
Attic perforation of the eardrum


Tentang Baratrauma yang diambil dari

During diving and flight elevation or landing, the pressure is changing To adapt to it, pressure of middle ear should be changed accordingly by opening up the eustachian tube. Besides swallowing or chewing action, sometimes Valsava maneuver may be needed.  

Barotrauma with Blood in Middle Ear Cavity

However if the eustachian tube function is impaired or the change of depth or height level is too fast, pressure of middle ear cavity cannot be equalized and barotrauma may result. It may injury the ear drum resulting inperforation, middle ear cavity mucosa resulting in bleeding and fluid collection, even the inner ear through the round window causing severe sensorineural hearing loss.

Diagnosis and Treatment:
How to diagnose barotrauma?

  • history of recent flight or diving would be hint for diagnosis.
  • Otoscopic or microscopic examination of the eardrum would show blood or fluid inside the middle ear cavity.  Sometimes perforation of ear drum may occur
  • Pure tone audiogram is necessary as it usually shows conductive hearing loss.  However if inner ear is involved, sensorineural hearing loss may be seen.
How to treat barotrauma?
  • For ear drum perforation, observation is suggested.  If it is not healed up after 3 months eventually, repair by surgical operation is recommended
  • For blood or fluid in the middle ear, observation is suggested.  But it can be drained by myringotomy if it is not subsided after a period of time.
If there is inner ear injury, conservative management such as bed rest and drugs is recommended.  But if hearing deteriorates progressively, surgical exploration and operation would be suggested.





A fistula exposing the mastoid bone: Caused by a dangerous middle ear infection


HEMOTYMPANUM is taken from 

[Figure ID: F1]
Figure 1 Otoscopic images of bilateral spontaneous hemotympanum, after intake of anticoagulants. Upper: hemotympanum of the left ear; lower: hemotympamum of the right ear.

[Figure ID: F2]
Figure 2 CT scan of the mastoid demonstrating bilateral opacity of the tympanic cavity (white arrows).

Slide 19/1 (part 1/3)

Acute otitis media suppurative stage
compare normal drum and AOM
AOM-early (stage of redness)

-if severe AOM ada whitish compression of drums due to absence of BVs
Serous otitis media

Serous OM air fluid level

Mucoid OM-bluish drum due to water content behind the drum

Adhesive OM-glistening light

Atelectasis of middle ear

=reduction in the volume of the middle ear because of eustachian tube obstruction followed by absorption of the oxygen in the middle ear and subsequent retraction of the tympanic membrane medially.

Medical Dictionary

Dewasa kini, semakin ramai memiliki gajet-gajet hebat seperti ipod touch, iphone, henset serba canggih, kamus elektronik dan sebagainya yang mampu memuatkan perisian kamus terkini.

Namun, untuk golongan pelajar medik yang lebih selesa dengan cara lama iaitu menyelak buku dan muka surat satu persatu bagi mencari maksud istilah medik yang agak asing seperti saya, saya ingin menyarankan beberapa kamus untuk dijadikan rujukan bersama.

Setelah melakukan beberapa culaan, saya mendapati seniors, dan rakan-rakan, baik mereka yang belajar medik di dalam atau di luar negara, rata-ratanya menggunakan kamus Dorlands dan Stedman's sebagai teman karib mereka dalam mengulangkaji pelajaran.

Saya sebagai pengguna selama hampir empat tahun kamus Dorland's .
Saya telah memiliki pocket dictionary yang padat, dan kamus yang besar ini yang memaparkan banyak gambar untuk kefahaman .

Stedman's yang turut menjadi pilihan pelajar-pelajar perubatan

Apa pun, terserah kepada masing-masing. Memang tidak dinafikan, mencari maksud istilah medik melalui Google lebih mudah dan menjimatkan masa. Ini sekadar cadangan dan perkongsian :)

p.s: Entri pertama di sini. Maaf kerana ke 'skema'an ayat

Cool websites

1) Mondofacto---a Medical dictionary yang lengkap kumpulkan segala jenis clinical signs, abbreviations, prefix and suffix serta macam-macam lagi.

2)Demonstrations untuk berlatih dengar heart sound and murmur dari normal ke abnormal. Seriyes cool. Navigate untuk tengok skill modules yang lain mcm auscultation percussion . Ni maca sangat2 berguna masa Internal Medicine kot. Tapi ni basic clinical skills kan, so takbleyh pandang remeh.

3)Ni notes paeds yang sungguh comel dan menggeramkan. For future use iA

OM lagi dan lagi

Otitis media with effusion=Secretory OM=MucoidOM=SerousOM=Glue ear

Adhesive OM=Atelectatic

Slide dari ORL Alex.

Tukang tulis baru

Selamat datang, Puan Fathiyyah. Semoga sama-sama berkongsi untuk memberi manfaat kepada orang lain.


Bacaan Tambahan


Middle Ear=Chronic Suppurative Otitis


Coronary Artery

I wish I was your coronary artery, so that I could be wrapped around your heart.


Slide 17/1


Normal Tympanic Membrane/Eardrum

Contact dermatitis


Basal cell carcinoma

Cerumen accumulation

Slides tak jumpa gambar
-2nd degree burn
-Herpes Zoster Shingles

Ear exam

Ear Examinations dekat sini diceritakan secara teori macam mana nak buat ear exam.

Ada je video untuk ditonton tapi leceh sebab kena download.

Video dekat bawah ni diambil dari website lain.. Dekat website ni ada banyak lagi medical videos yang disusun mengikut branches of medicine.


Myringotomy is a surgical procedure in which a tiny incision is created in the eardrum, so as to relieve pressure caused by the excessive build-up of fluid, or to drain pus.

Buku ENT

Text books untuk di download yang dicadangkan oleh MedadTeam

Middle ear cavity dan otitis media

Sebelum nak memahami tentang otitis media perlu tahu anatomy dulu.

Pathology, signs and symptoms dan cara-cara nak prevent otitid media in children

Gabungan Anatomy, Physio dan Pathology OM

Pautan buku medik online

Family Practice Notebook (semua branches of medicine ada)

Tekan sini untuk pautan terus ke Otolaryngology 

Ear Anatomy&Physiology

Ear Anatomy