Briefing exam
Pembahagian markah exam ENT
Written exam : 80 marks
Slides/station/OSPE : 40 marks
Oral : 20 marks
Research/ assignment : 5 marks (dr kate kire mcm percuma la)
Bentuk final exam
6 short questions, 5 marks each = 30 marks
2 problem solving, 10 marks each = 20 marks
30 MCQ's, 1 mark each = 30 marks
Total for written exam = 80 marks.
Website ENT department :
Important OSPE/slide.
*Mungkin lepas oral exam dlm hari yg sama.
*Note ni mungkin ade yg tak tepat sgt, memandangkan sy tak dapat bace slide kat depan tu. Just tulis ape yg sy dengar. So, kalau ade salah, sile betulkan ok.
- Purulent sinusitis
- Rigid endoscopic examination of nose
- Normal middle meatus
- Furunculosis of nasal >>> dangerous area : vestibule. (complication = cavernous sinus thrombosis)
- Deviated nasal septum (treatment) Symptomatic >>> septoplasty
- Septal haematoma.(complication = abscess and septal perforation) ttt = drainage
- Septal perforation. ttt = Graft/septal button
- Epistaxis >>> little area
- Inferior meatus
- Antrostomy of maxillary sinus (sinusitis)
- Orbital cellulitis. Complication = orbital abscess. ttt = systemic antibiotic and surgical (but in many cases, doesn't need surgical)
- Endoscopic enthmoidectomy
- orbital complication of maxillary and ethmoid sinusitis
- Foreign body in nose. In children = serious complication. ttt = removal in general anesthesia
- Oro-antral fistula
- cyst in maxillary sinus
- Fluid's level (kat x-ray rasenye)
- Unilateral nasal polyp. If firm = tumour.
- Cancer of maxilla. Characteristic >>> swelling, proptosis, teeth ache, pain in ptrego-maxillary area. ttt = surgical removal (maxillectomy)
- Adenoid hypertrophy
- cute tonsillitis
- Diphtheric and follicular tonsillitis
- Indication of tonsillectomy in diphtheric condition >>> not responsive to penicillin
- Pharyngeal and laryngeal diphtheria best treated >>> antibiotic and antiserum
- Infratonsillar cyst
- Chronic tonsillitis >>> NOT membranous (membrane present in acute only)
- Septic focus
- Oral monoliasis
- Indication of tonsillectomy (dr suruh chek buku sendiri) V.important.
- Quinsy. ttt = excision and drainage
- Parapharygeal abscess >>> occur after tonsillectomy and injury of pharygeal wall
- Bic's triad (chek balik name die) >>> lead to trismus
- parapharygeal swell
- Retropharygeal abscess >>> site
- cold abscess >>> pott's disease
- Dental infection >>> ludwig's angina
- Rhinolalia clausa
- Lingual thyroid. ttt = if it is the only one present, we need to remove it from mouth and plant it in sternomastoid muscle.
- Angiofibroma lead to epistaxis
- Nasopharygeal carcinoma >>> facial pain
- Trotter's triad (chek balik) >>> CHL, nasal regurge, nasal pain
- Pharygeal pouch
- achlalasia of esophagus (cardiac sphincter)
- Post-cricoid carcinoma. lead to severe dysphagia. ttt = total pharyngolaryngectomy.
- Normal tube of larynx
- Vocal polyp
- singer's nodule
- bilateral abductor paralysis. its ttt.
- subglottic stenosis
- No microlarygeal surgery in congenital subglottic stenosis
- laryngeal web and its treatment (ttt)
- laryngomalacia
- Acute non-specific laryngitis more severe in children >>> dysphagia. Because = short and narrow
- leucoplakia. Causes = exessive smoking
- Cancer larynx, its stages and why. (ex; T1 = mobile cord)
- Thyroglossal cyst
- tracheostomy and its indication
- submandibullar tumour
- extensive parotid tomour
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