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Obstetrics And Gynecology Oral

    • Muhammad Ridhwan Adam clinical : menorrhagia n fibroids
      oral gynae : menorrhagia,dub,infertility,endometrial carc,benign non neoplasm(follicular cyst etc)
      oral obst : APH n sket bout retained placenta..byk doc tye definition..
      slmt study..doakn sume najah iAllah ^__^

      June 23 at 4:41pm · · 1

    • Nurhelmi B Lukhman obs
      -mechanism breech delivery
      -complication forceps

      -non-neoplastic cyst

      June 23 at 4:41pm · · 2

    • Izzuddin Bin Nadzif Gynae
      1. Embryological origin female genital tract
      2. Effect of failure fusion of mullerian duct.. Investigation to confirmed it... And treatment
      3. Infection at vagina, etiology, investigation and treatment and dd of vagina discharge drugs kene ngapal

      1. Pl. Previa all
      2. Ectopic pregnncy qll
      3. Missed abortion all
      4. Retain placenta causes
      5. Diff btween constrictin ring and bandle ring
      6. Diff btween hysterotomy and cs
      7. Diff btween median and medio lateral episiotomy
      8. Post partum hge

      June 23 at 4:46pm via mobile · · 1

    • Hayati Sawfiah dr clinical n oral tu dr kt punya dpartment k?

    • Mohd Izzuddin Subari clinical-menorrhagia and fibroids.
      oral gynae:embryo-uterus derved from what? ovari,vagina,cryptomenorhea,tranverse vaginal septum,infertility,management,analysis of semen,chemical properties of semen,dd of cystic ovaries,CIN(high risk and low risk)

      placenta previa,mechanism of bleeding,diff btw retraction ring and constriction ring,retained placenta.

      June 23 at 4:50pm · · 1

    • Hayati Sawfiah Mohd Izzuddin Bin Nadzif n Mohd Izzuddin Subari..korang kna dr mana ek?sama dr k?

    • Nabil Alhanis Gynae of septic abortion.
      2.HSG vs Laparoscopy

      1.cause hyperemesis gravidarum.
      3.complication of DM.

      June 23 at 4:52pm via mobile · · 1

    • Mohd Izzuddin Subari kalau gynae same.obs xtau.kenapa??

    • Hayati Sawfiah xde..saje tnya

    • Ahmad Ibrahim Yahaya Clinical - U/S in pregnancy, warning symptoms & signs...

      Oral Obs - Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy, diagnosis of obstructed labour, U/S in pregnancy

      Oral Gyne - Septic Abortion, Laparoscopy VS HSG

      June 23 at 4:56pm · · 1

    • Iman Dashuki Obs: Dr perempuan
      management PL PRV
      -why marginal post special type?-compression by fetalhead during delivery
      indication of CS in breech
      Diagnosis of Preeclampsia
      DFMC/NST/Oxytocin strest test

      Gynae- Dr Mustafa
      -TV: symptoms n ttt
      -Type n surgical management
      Ovarian Amenorrhea
      -PCOS: diagnosis n serum assay

      June 23 at 4:57pm · · 1

    • Farhana Ghani kak Hayati Sawfiah,saya dapat sebijik cam Em Hoho ^_^
      June 23 at 5:01pm · · 2

    • Iman Dashuki lpe nk tambah tubal factor infertility + diagnsis
      June 23 at 5:02pm · · 1

    • Shuhada Shafie gynae-indications for surgery in asymptomatic fibroid,DUB,menorrhagia,metrorrhagia,management of missed IUD,normal semen analysis,moniliasis,theca lutein cyst,post menopausal bleeding obs-APH,cause of death in breech,causes and management of concealed placental abruption,causes of cervical lacerations during labour
      June 23 at 5:05pm · · 1

    • Noor Asyila gynae: def of menopause, def of endometrial hyperplasia, metrophathia hemorrhagica, complications of ovarian cysts.

      obs: preeclampsia (def, severity, management)

      June 23 at 5:05pm · · 1

    • Shuhada Shafie oh satu lagi,complication of induction of ovulation.=)
      June 23 at 5:07pm · · 1

    • Najihah Husain gynae:definition of nrmal menstrual cycle
      causes of metrorrhagia in fibroids
      complications of ovarian tumor
      obs: vesicular mole : diagnosis n management
      accidental hemorrhage: diagnosis and management

      June 23 at 5:13pm · · 1

    • Aimi Athirah gynae : definition normal menstruation,treshold of menstruation,metrorhagia of fibroid-causes,complication of ovarian cysts
      June 23 at 5:25pm · · 1

    • Aimi Athirah obs : causes recurrent pregnancy loss,vesicular mole-signs,u/s,symptoms,treatment,anti phospholipid syndrome-ttt,detection + history taking : obstetric hist + bleeding sheet ^^ goodluck~
      June 23 at 5:27pm · · 1

    • Idris Diah Clinical- Obstetrics history, present history PE, investigation PE
      Gynae- staging cancer cervix , staging cancer body uterus , type of dye used in HSG
      Obstetric- causes anemia during pregnancy
      -causes contracted pelvis
      -causes neonatal jaundice
      -differentiate causes of early bleeding preganancy clinically

      All the best!!!! Xoxo

      June 23 at 5:27pm via mobile · · 1

    • Nurul Fasihah clinical: perimenopausal bleeding...ckp2 dgn doc je camne nk amik sheet. x ckp dgn patient^^
      gynae: menorrhagia(definition,normal amount,normal duration of menses),DUB,commonest cause postmeno bleeding,commonest cause prepubertal bleeding, incidence,symptom n management of fibroid,predisposing factor & diagnosis endometrial carcinoma,diagnosis of cervical cancer, management missed IUD
      obs: causes of fetal death in breech delivery,difference bet. threatened & inevitable abortion, complications of preeclampsia

      June 23 at 5:29pm · · 1

    • Sharifah Syahirah Clinical : obs code, commonest complication during preganacy, shoulder distocia, complication of missed abortion, management of septic abortion (+ berapa hari interval nak bagi antibiotik : 24hour). Takde ambil hx pun.

      Gynae :
      Common cause of cervicitis, and vaginitis.
      Ttt of candidasis.
      Cause of menorrhagia
      Definition of 1ry ammenorhea.

      Def of normal labor
      Management of PPH.

      June 23 at 5:30pm via mobile · · 1

    • Nurul Fasihah ade lg....ttt of moniliasis pastu causes of cervical laceration in obst...
      June 23 at 5:30pm · · 1

    • Nurul Zawani Zaini management normal labour 2nd stage 3rd stage
      def face & brow presentation
      def crowning
      ritgan maneuver
      remote comp menopause
      functioning benign ovarian neoplasm
      common cause 1ry amenorrhea & 2ry amenorrhea
      tt fibroid

      June 23 at 5:39pm · · 1

    • Nurul Nabilah Azlan gynae
      bacteria vaginosis, candida( diff,sympt)
      screening for cancer cervix
      technique and staging of pap smear
      staging of cancer cervix
      prolapse-etiology,predisposing factor,types
      PPH-definition and management

      June 23 at 5:50pm · · 1

    • Fatma Husna Abdul Razab gynae: diagnosis of PCOS
      staging of cervical cancer
      cause of amenorrhea

      obs: definition and ttt of PPH

      clinical exam oral: what is obstectric code?
      what def of preterm, full term, type of abortion, complication of missed abortion, treatment of septic abortion, complication of diabetis on pregnancy

      June 23 at 5:56pm · · 1

    • A'tiif Asha'ri gynae (dr maha)
      -causes of 1ry n 2ry amenorrhea
      -remote health hazards of menopause? ttt of menopause? for how long?
      -management of fibroid
      -types of prolapse
      -functional ovarian cyst
      -cp ectopic, significance of hcg
      -def crowning
      -types of episiotomy. which one better? why?

      June 23 at 5:58pm · · 1

    • Farhana Salleh History taking: case postmenauposal bleeding.full history

      Obstetric : Recurrent pregnancy loss:etiology,diagnosis,management.Placenta previa:definition,management.Cervical incompetence

      Gynaecology:Definition menstruation,MPHG.How fibroid can cause menorrhagia n metroharrgia.

      all the best kak yati dan kawan2 lain..:)

      June 23 at 6:00pm · · 1

    • Farhana Salleh Histroy taking : APS

      Gynae : fibroid,secondary amenorrhea,types of prolapse,functional cyst.[most common]

      Obst : Active management 3rd stage labour,management APH,difference between caput succedanum n cephalhetoma.


      June 23 at 6:03pm · · 1

    • Zahidah Zainal Abidin ‎[clinical] - oral dgn doktor, xambik history pun..
      - shoulder dystochia
      - complication of multifetal pregnancy
      - complication of DM for fetus
      - most common medical illness in pregnancy --> anemia
      - xingat..

      - CIN - pap smear
      - staging of cervical cancer
      - anterior vagina prolapse
      - vagina infection
      - xingat..

      - normal delivery (definition)
      - 1ry PPH (management)
      - after coming head in breech

      June 23 at 6:03pm · · 1

    • Zahidah Zainal Abidin ooo satu lagi, utk clinical--> vesicular mole..~

    • Hayati Sawfiah Farhana Salleh-ten2,APS tu ape?

    • Farhana Salleh eh sori kak.antiphospholipid syndrome.

    • Hayati Sawfiah historrry of APS?seriously?ape bnda pointnya..?huhu..

    • Anisah Shamilah ‎[Gynae]
      1-clinical feature of menopause.
      2-hormone therapy in menopause
      3-PCOS, symptoms,sign, ttt
      4-PID- clinical diagnosis n ttt
      5-Prolapse, types, sympt and ttt of cystocele + SUI, uterovaginal
      6-ovrian causes of infertility-PCOS.
      7-cancer cervix, symptom,

      1-Placenta Previa, types, C/S indication, why post marginal PP kena buat C/S?
      2- PE-defintion, diagnosis, kenapa ada proteinuria., sign of toxemia,
      3- CS in breech

      all the best !! ^.^

    • Fathiyyah Wan Ibrahim ‎[Gyne]
      Normal Semen Analysis
      Causes of Metrorrhagia in Fibroid
      Complications of ovarian Cysts

      Disturbed Ectopic Pregnancy (CP, How to manage)
      Symptoms n Signs in Pre Eclampsia

    • Fatihah Asilah ‎[Gyne]
      Normal parameter Semen Analysis
      Causes of Metrorrhagia in Fibroid
      Complications of ovarian Cysts

      definiton of normal labor
      Disturbed Ectopic Pregnancy (CP,how to diagnose,how to manage.what preceeding pain/bleeding)

    • Zaidatul Husna Kak Hayati Sawfiah..grup kami dpt APS case of habitual abortion.dr. tanya investigation of APS

    • Zaidatul Husna ‎[Gyne]
      Most common cause of 1ry ang 2ry amenorrhea
      Most common sypmtom of cervical Fibroid Most common complication of menopause Treatment of fibroid Types of prolapse & def. of utero-vaginal prolapse
      What is functional ovarian cyst

      Differentiate between Caput succedanum & Cephalhematoma
      Disturbed Ectopic Pregnancy (CP & value of serum BhcG) What is placenta previa Active management of 3rd stage of labor

    • Amir Fathi Adnan gyna - infection> BV,CV sign symptoms. extensive tubal adhesion, how to get pregnant. ovarian cause of amenorhea,PCOs dsb, sume die tanye skit2 tp byk topic.

    • Nurulhuda Mustoffa ‎[gynae]
      What is menorrhagia & the commonest cause
      What is metrorrhagia & the commonest cause
      Fibroid-incidence, most common symptoms, treatment
      Endometrial carcinoma- risk factor, symptoms
      ttt of moniliasis
      organism in PID
      side effect of OCP
      management of missed IUD
      contraception for lactating women

      mechanism of OP
      complication of PE
      causes of PPH

    • Fathin Naasiha Omar obs:cause RPL, Normal labour & mangmt of atonic PPH
      gynae: def menstruation and metropathia hemgica

    • Wan Mohd Amirudin Abdullah G - causes menorrhagia . causes menorrhagia & mettrohagia in myomata , etiology of infertility ndiagnosis , normal semen , define types, stages of prolapse , risk factor for endomertial carcinoma ,define DUB , ovarian cyst [non neop[lastic & benign]

      O - ectopic pregnancy diagnosis n ttt [mehotrexate,jwb ni je,doc terus senyum] , hydatifom mole[define,diagnosis,ttt,follow up] ,pl.abruption [define,complication,case--->habaq treatment of choice],why in premature kene buat episiotomy? , mechanism occipito posterior, PE [complication n treatment tk case yg doktor bg] , echlamsi [ttt ],

      petua die - bace buku. haha

    • Zakwan Yahya saya setuju cdgn untuk letakkn soalan2 ni di blog batch
      tapi saya tulis dlu kat sini takut lupa...

      - definition of DUB
      - causes of menorrhagia and metrorrhagia
      - infertility: investigations of female causes, normal sperm analysis
      - enumerate non-neoplastic ovarian cyst
      - enumerate neoplastic ovarian cyst
      - value of laparoscopy in infertility

      - definition of normal delivery
      - Postion: definition, why anterior is commoner than posterior presentation, why posterior is more dangerous than anterior
      - placenta previa: definition, causes of post partum Hge in placenta previa
      - management of eclampsia
      - non stress test

    • Haziq Ghufran gyn-candidiasis,HPV,ttt of male infertility,staging ovarian cancer...obs-shoulder dystocia,breech delivery,vesicular mole,1ry PPH,causative organism puerpural sepsis..

    • Rusydi Ali ‎[CLINICAL] vaginal bleeding case [GYN] What is...(1)types of vaginitis & main symptoms of candida vaginitis & ttt (2)types of ovarian cyst (3) symptoms of fibroids [OBS] (1) Preeclampsia; def (2) Placental Praevia; Def,Classification,"Indication" (3)Def & types of breech (4) Foetal well being; in which case during pregnancy? & how do we assess it.

    • Noor Redzuani Shafii ‎[clinical] & [obs]:mcm chep [gynae]:female factor infertility(explain about tubal factor),clasisification of prolapse

    • Nurliyana Mastura Razali clinical case: bleeding. gynae: definition of menstruation, complication of benign ovarian cyst, causes of metrorrhagia in fibroid. obst: definition, types and treatment of PE; signs, symptoms, investigations and treatment of molar pregnancy..

    • Farhah Naeemah History taking: case postmenauposal bleeding-present & obstetric history

      Obstetric : ectopic pregnancy-symptoms of disturb ectopic pregnancy & management

      Gynaecology:Definition menstruation,MPHG.How fibroid can cause menorrhagia n metroharrgia.

    • Muhammad Ihsan clinical case: placenta previa,postpartum hge (dua2 nak management)

      1)causes and type of postpartum hge
      2)complications of diabetes
      3)mode of delivery in breech presentations

      1)diagnosis of tubal pregnancy
      2)diagnosis of ovarian cancer
      3)diagnosis of septic pregnancy
      jgn lupa klu diagnosis, go through clinical picture,history,lab,imaging(isilah yg mana ada ye)

    • Fara Haniey Che Yusoff Gynae- define normal menstruation.
      -define threshold bleeding. is it anovular or ovular,
      -metrorhagia in fibroid,
      Obs- define normal labour,
      -type of breech, how to manage 32 weeks pregnant lady with breech presentation, trial of labor in premature breech
      - atonic PPH, how to manage, in details..

    • Izzati Ya Clinical case: Anti phospholipid syndrome.

    • Izzati Ya Gynae: What are the types of proplapse.What are the causes of 1ry amenoorhoea. Which type of 1ry amenorrhoea is the most common. and what about the 2nd one? which is the most common( doc ckp pregnancy). Obs: Define ostructed labor. State the clinical features of disturded ectopic pregnancy. How to manage the 3rd stage of labor. Differences between caput succedenum and cephalohematoma

    • Sakinah Zaib History taking-Takde. Tapi Dr. Tanya soalan.
      1-Awak dah pergi negara mana selain Mesir
      2-Definition of preterm
      3-Abortion-Management septic abortion dan threatened abortion, complications of
      missed abortion
      4-Fetal complications for diabetic mother
      Gynae-1-Stage of endometrial carcinoma
      2-Causes of prolapse
      3-Causes of tubal infertility
      Obs-1-Definition of PPH and management
      2-After coming head- Breech extraction

    • Furkan Eydin obs - management 3rd stage labor to prevent laceration

    • Radin Rahmah Clinical case APS (Gravidity Parity, Obs Code, Medications, How to reach diagnosis)

      Oral gyn
      1) Commonest cause 1ry n 2ndry amenorrhea
      2) Prolapse type
      3) Fibroid. Management. Cervical fibroid
      4) Functional Ovarian Cyst

      Oral obs
      1) Ectopic pregnancy type, management each
      2) Threatened abortion.
      3) Active management of 3rd stage of labor
      4) Cephalohematoma vs caput succedenum

    • Amirah Ab Jalil gyn: semen analysis normal, complication of ovarian cyst, cause metrorrhagia in fibroid, cervical cause infertility

      obs: placenta prv + CS, etiology preeclampsia, management eclampsia

    • Sakinah Sobri Sheet: APS- investigation, obs code, gravidity, & tt

      Oral gynae: menopause, functioning ovarian cyst, 1ry & 2ry amenorrhea- the most common cause, tt of fibroid, types of prolapse

      Oral obs: Ectopic pregnancy, active management of 3rd stage of labor, cephalohematoma vs caput succedenum, prevention of Rh isoimmunization, definition of crowning

    • Munirah Mohamad clinical- obstetric sheet (review 3 trimester)
      gyne- amenorrhea 1ry and 2ry, the most imp one..
      type prolapse, ttt fibroid(kene ingt jgk myolisis ngn embolization tu),
      functioning ovarian cyst,

      obs-def normal labor, def preeclampsia, n how to manage, mngemnt atonic pph,

    • Sakinah Rasad clinical:history of post menopausal bleeding gynae:metropathia hgica,metrorhagia in fibroid,and percentage fibroid change into cancer obs:definition of normal labour,management 2nd stage,complications of diabetis to maternal and fetal

    • M Hazwan Salleh gynae: Dub, MPHG, Medicated IUCD. Obs: funtion of placenta, non stress test, complication of preeclampsia.

    • Husna Afifah Ahmad Badrudin ‎[gynae]
      def 1ry infertility
      normal semen analysis
      complications of ovarian cyst

      def normal labor
      causes of bleeding in early pregnancy
      vesicular mole (def, complete vs incomplete)
      PE (def, management)

    • شفيق عزيز ‎[gynae]
      -do you know ahmad syafiq?
      -Turner $:def,charachter,can she pregnant?
      -Klinefelter $:def,character.
      -post-coital examination
      -normal semen analysis

      -normal labour:def,stage
      -missed abortion:def,manaement
      -retained placenta:def,management
      -placenta previa:def,c/p,complication
      -placenta abruption:def,c/p,complication

      June 24 at 3:31pm · · 1

    • Mushamma Mursheeda Gyna : treatment of moniliasis,uterine causes of amenorrhea...yg lain tak ingat...obstetric : management of after coming head in breech,defition n management of 1ry PPH,accidental haemorrhage,definition of obstetric code.

    • Amal Hanani Abdul Halim gynae
      -ovarian neoplastic ( early diagnosis, familial neoplastic)
      -type of vaginitis
      -candida vaginitis (aetiology,treatment)
      -indication of laparoscope in infertility

      -CS indication for breech
      -placenta praevia (type, CS indication,complication PL PRV marginalis posterior)
      -preeclampsia (diagnosis of severity, mechanism of proteinuria)

      setakat yang teringat.

    • Nurul Hidayah Embong gyne:
      - definition of menorrhagia, metrohagia
      - most common cause of bleeding in prepubertal, premenopause, postmenopause.
      - definition of primary infertility, most common cause infertility in female, second common cause infertility in female, management tubal factor
      - definition and management of theca lutein cyst.

      - cause of fetal death in breech
      - mechanism of delivery in OP
      - sign of placenta separation.

      June 24 at 6:00pm · · 1

    • Amerdad Dzulkifli obs :
      cercival laceration
      obstructed labor
      2nd stg of normal labor

      gyn :
      anatomy of uterus and anatomical origin
      fibroid indication surgery in symptomless case n treatment
      ovarian cyst, theca lutein cyst ttt
      staging cervical cancer
      n byk lg tp x ingt , dr tanye banyak bab

      June 24 at 6:06pm · · 1

    • Umar Hakimin clincal case : fibroid

      gynae :
      - turner's syndrome : embryology, clinical picture, mosaic turner, vs Klinefelter syndrome.

      - SUI : pathophysiology

      obs :
      - normal labour : definition
      - APH : causes
      - PPH : classification

    • Nur Aisyah Mohamad Idrus history taking: postmenopausal bleeding gyna: metropathia hemorrhagica full details including relation with fibroids obs: definition normal labour and 2nd stage normal labour in full details

    • Ihsan Hamdan History: Fibroids


      Umbilical cord (length)
      Eclampsia management
      Placenta Previae
      Biophysical Profile Scoring
      Contraction Stress Test

    • Fais Azli gynae: cervical cancer staging,
      obs: PPH management n classification, how to test CPD,

    • Mohd Hafiz History : meno-metrohgg
      Gynae: types of dysmenorrhe-pathology-diff-ttt
      Uterine leiomyoma-cp-ttt-indications ttt-ttt specific for each type-comp surgery how to cntrol
      Endomtriosis, types of ovarian neoplasm n non neoplasm, theca lutein cyst n prognosis..yg laen xngt

      Obstetric: accidental hgg-type-pathology of concealed hgg-why dangerous
      Yg laen xngat

      Monday at 11:43pm via mobile · · 1

    • Nurul Hasanah Abd Latif clinical: present hx for bleeding n obstetric hx
      -normal labor (pnting sgt100x utk FAHAMkan totally)
      -Pl Prv
      -indications of CS in breech
      -cervical cancer

      Monday at 11:57pm · · 1

    • Liyana Abd Rahim jzkk semua... doakn kmi d'p'mudhkn...amin

    • Adzim Yusoff Obs-

      2nd PPH cause
      Def & Type placenta previa
      Obstructed labor
      Abortion type threaten etc
      2nd stage labor

      Dysmenorhea def n type, 1ry 2ry, ttt
      -non-neoplastic cyst
      -fibroids +surgery of symptomless fibroid
      Assement of tubal infertility
      Vulva infection - BV

      Tuesday at 5:12am · · 1

    • Mohd Hafiz full mark adzim

    • Adzim Yusoff full la sgt, jgn fulul sudah... :)
      Tuesday at 5:18am · · 1

    • Fathiyyah Wan Ibrahim da ada org tolong letak semua soalan ni kat AN ke?
      utk kegunaan generasi masa depan

      Tuesday at 6:30am via mobile · · 2

    • Hazwan Rusli gyn: definition of prolapse, cervical cancer (aetiology), how to diagnose couple infertility, types of amenorrhea obs: causes of APH, what cause of bleeding in PL PRV, definition of missed abortion